Calling all year tens! This is your guide to catching up.
Welcome to my first blog. These blogs will be designed to help you study and give you some motivation and inspiration (for catching up). For the first I thought it would be best to just jump straight in and give you what I believe is the ultimate guide to catching up! I am going to give each step by month.
**DISCLAIMER** – I have created this guide based upon what I did and was recommended to do for the return to school back in September of last year! This will not work for every single student necessarily.
So, the first thing I recommend you do in May is to go to your exam board websites and get all your subject specs! This is where you will find everything you need to know for your exams – whatever form they are in. I would recommend printing off the spec and grabbing yourself 2 coloured highlighters. One for everything you know and one for the stuff you do not know. After you have gone through everything put the specification in either a ring binder or some sort of folder.
For this month I would recommend creating a revision list of everything you need to cover and start to create a Google Drive folder or something full of resources. Twitter and TES are great for full lessons but be aware you should probably only use these for the topics you do not remember anything about.
This is also the month you should create a revision timetable. Over the next few weeks, I will be working on a template you may wish to use.
This is the month you should probably start catching up if you have not already. You have done all your planning and should be good to go. Start with the topics you highlighted where you do not know the content.
You should now be coming to the end of the topics you knew nothing about. I recommend you get your spec back out and start to tick or highlight the topics you feel you now know again. Now spend the rest of this month re-revising the topics that still have not stuck in your memory. Ask your teacher for help on these topics before you break-up for the summer.
This is the month you can slowly start to wind down and reflect. Think about the following:
How has the revision gone?
How far have you come?
What is the best way forward?
Do you need to reconsider the revision methods you are using?
Back to school! I recommend spending this month settling back into school and recompleting the May and June steps.
The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this blog belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to educ8all and its partners.